Nutrient absorption is what really matters, read on to find out how to improve it - gut health,

Nutrient absorption is what really matters, read on to find out how to improve it - gut health,

But I eat healthy all the time. I should lose weight. ⁠But I eat healthy. I should feel well. ⁠But I eat healthy most of the time. ⁠I don’t know why my gut is such a problem. ⁠My hair is not growing, but I eat healthy every day. What’s going on? ⁠⁠If you are eating really healthy food and your body isn’t using it, you are essentially paying for an expensive food ride through the system. This is also called a waste of money. ⁠⁠What about all those supplements? Also, an expensive waste of money if you aren’t using them...

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If probiotics aren't the right place to start, where is? - gut health, probiotics, constipation

If probiotics aren't the right place to start, where is? - gut health, probiotics, constipation

Not all roads to gut health start with probiotics. In fact, for us very few do. ⁠(It definitely ends with probiotics though.) ⁠⁠I’d say about 75% of people I build a protocol for have some form of slow motility and they have never had success in the past with various gut health programs. Believe it or not, even people with both constipation and diarrhea issues need to start with slow motility because slow motility can cause rapid motility (if you are puzzled by this comment please ask). ⁠⁠Yes, dysbiosis (imbalances in the microbiome) is the underlying issue triggering everything else....

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The breaking down to histamine intolerance and the rebuilding - gut health, reflux, heartburn

The breaking down to histamine intolerance and the rebuilding - gut health, reflux, heartburn

Yes, you can take DAO enzymes for the rest of your life. ⁠⁠Or you can address the underlying problem by building back up the intestinal mucosa, so it is strong again to produce your own DAO enzymes. Your call. ⁠⁠Do the prickly pear cladodes/polysaccharides help rebuild the intestinal mucosa quickly? Yes. ⁠⁠What contains this ingredient? MucoSave™ FG. ⁠⁠Does MucoSave™ FG provide other benefits? Yes.⁠• Helps with reflux and heartburn⁠• Helps with constipation ⁠• Helps with abdominal pain⁠• Helps reduce stomach swelling⁠• Helps with flatulence ⁠• Helps with nausea⁠• Helps with burping and belching ⁠⁠Do your DAO enzymes help with all...

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A non-laxative, natural, fast and effective approach to constipation - gut health, digestion, bloating

A non-laxative, natural, fast and effective approach to constipation - gut health, digestion, bloating

Here’s the constipation dilemma: fast motility relief and non-laxative do not usually go together. When a person has constipation, they are usually advised to jump straight to laxatives because it isn’t like anyone with constipation wants to hold it all in for 3 to 6 months while they address the underlying issues. The problem is that once someone becomes reliant upon laxatives for regularity then what? They can’t just stop them. Can they? In the past, I would high dose people on our Upper GI Relief product for 3 months to help them get regularity. And I would ask them...

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A low FODMAP prebiotic that helps with fat loss? Yes, please! - gut health, metabolism, SCFAs

A low FODMAP prebiotic that helps with fat loss? Yes, please! - gut health, metabolism, SCFAs

Bloating, gas, and weight gain? I've always had to start with bloating/gas in protocols AND THEN work on weight issues after that because every prebiotic that I was aware of that increased the bacteria types and short-chain fatty acids known to help with metabolic health made bloating/gas worse. ⁠⁠That's until our team found a low-FODMAP / low bloat and gas prebiotic that increased what's needed in the gut to help with weight/fat loss. ⁠⁠Sound too good to be true? I thought so too. Type in each name of bacteria mentioned followed by weight loss into Google. ⁠⁠I didn't say that...

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A low FODMAP prebiotic that helps with fat loss? yes, please - gut health, metabolism, SCFAs

A low FODMAP prebiotic that helps with fat loss? yes, please - gut health, metabolism, SCFAs

Bloating, gas, and weight gain? I've always had to start with bloating/gas in protocols AND THEN work on weight issues after that because every prebiotic that I was aware of that increased the bacteria types and short-chain fatty acids known to help with metabolic health made bloating/gas worse. That's until our team found a low-FODMAP / low bloat and gas prebiotic that increased what's needed in the gut to help with weight/fat loss. Sound too good to be true? I thought so too. Type in each name of bacteria mentioned followed by weight loss into Google. I didn't say that...

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Sensitive Gut Fiber (low FODMAP fiber) is available now! - gut health, fiber, FODMAP friendly

Sensitive Gut Fiber (low FODMAP fiber) is available now! - gut health, fiber, FODMAP friendly

AVAILABLE NOW! Sensitive Gut Fiber. We finally have our SIBO/IBS/Major Bloat Prebiotic Fiber available. ⁠⁠AND....⁠⁠Yes, it helps with metabolic health as well. So people struggling with weight issues don't have to wait to start correcting gut health for fat loss.⁠ If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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Addressing histamine problems begins in the gut - gut health, Regularity, Reflux

Addressing histamine problems begins in the gut - gut health, Regularity, Reflux

The secret to addressing histamine problems is rebuilding the intestinal mucosa to increase DAO activity. ⁠⁠What will help with this? ⁠1 - Regularity – Motility Support (NOT A LAXATIVE)*⁠2 - Reflux – Mucosa Support (NOT AN ACID BLOCKER)*⁠⁠These rapidly help soothe, repair, and build up the mucosal barrier. They will help with histamine issues! ⁠⁠NOW AVAILABLE!⁠⁠These products are now available! We only have 2,000 bottles of each. ⁠⁠I suggest for those of you with histamine issues that you buy both products and use them both for at least 30 days to help with histamine issues. ⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ If you have questions,...

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Why REGULARITY or REFLUX? Because laxatives and acid blockers make things worse - gut health, constipation, reflux, heartburn, GERD

Why REGULARITY or REFLUX? Because laxatives and acid blockers make things worse - gut health, constipation, reflux, heartburn, GERD

We have been working hard to:⁠✅ improve our protocols ⁠✅reduce our costs ⁠✅ deliver results faster for constipation and reflux/heartburn issues⁠⁠Why was it so tough? Try formulating something without laxatives and/or acid blockers that works quickly for constipation and reflux. That’s tough! ⁠⁠Anyone can formulate a laxative. Sprinkle a little Cascara Sagrada, Senna, Aloe Vera, Cape Aloe, Magnesium (Citrate, Oxide, Carbonate, or Malate) and/or a high dose of Vitamin C then “boom” bowel movement magic happens. It is very inexpensive. Ex-Lax, Dulcolax, and MiraLAX are also very popular. And I would never want to forget milk of magnesia. These are...

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Probiotics are amazing, but not if you're body isn't ready for them. How do you tell? - gut health, SIBO, IBS

Probiotics are amazing, but not if you're body isn't ready for them. How do you tell? - gut health, SIBO, IBS

There are two primary reasons to not start with probiotics for gut health:⁠1. It isn’t the right time⁠2. They will make your symptoms worse⁠⁠Yes, your probiotics may be helping with your constipation AND making your bloating worse. Yes, your probiotics may be very well causing your brain fog. Yes, your probiotics may be causing you to be very gassy. ⁠⁠Just because everyone says, “Get on a good probiotic” doesn’t mean that is a sound advice if you're just starting into gut health. ⁠⁠Reseeding probiotics may be triggering more gut problems because they may be contributing to the overabundance of bacteria...

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A non-laxative, natural, fast-acting approach to constipation - gut health, bloating, constipation

A non-laxative, natural, fast-acting approach to constipation - gut health, bloating, constipation

Addressing motility issues is step one for cleaning up the gut. It is next to impossible to really clean anything up if the gut is clogged.⁠⁠We now have a faster, better, and less expensive way to help people with slow motility problems. REGULARITY – Motility Support. ⁠⁠It is NOT:⁠❌ a laxative⁠❌ psyllium husk ⁠❌ other fibers ⁠⁠It IS:⁠✅effective for those with long standing constipation issues⁠✅ effective quickly⁠✅ a natural product, not a chemical (The ingredients come from the prickly pear cactus and olive leaves and is sourced out of Italy). ⁠✅helpful with a wide variety of digestive discomforts beyond constipation⁠⁠Think...

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4 gut health goals that affect everything else - gut health, probiotics, constipation, inflammation, bacteria imbalance, leaky gut

4 gut health goals that affect everything else - gut health, probiotics, constipation, inflammation, bacteria imbalance, leaky gut

Does taking the right probiotic matter? Absolutely. There is massive noise about probiotics suggesting that all probiotics are the same. If this were the case, the $12 probiotic at the grocery store would be fantastic. The truth is that not only can the strains in a probiotic be totally different (which should indicate a big difference just there), but how the strains function and what they do can be totally different. Therefore, probiotic supplements are not the same. Most people assume more (CFUs) is better, right? Wrong! “CFU amounts are usually in the billions, but the NIH cautions that just...

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Make sure you're prepared this Thanksgiving - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

Make sure you're prepared this Thanksgiving - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

For many of us there's the meat sweats 🥵, but even worse are heartburn and reflux. 🔥⁠⁠Not this year. REFLUX can be taken after eating to help soothe that burning that many of us experience after indulging in our favorite holiday meal.⁠⁠It works fast and effectively, providing you and your guests fast relief. Be the holiday superhero 🦸🏻‍♂️ make sure your kitchen is stocked with Reflux.⁠⁠If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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An alternative to acid blockers that helps with so many more issues - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

An alternative to acid blockers that helps with so many more issues - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

What if there is another option that is natural, works very well, works quickly (under 30 days with most people noticing in the first 5 days if not immediately), is not expensive, helps with a lot of other stomach issues, and doesn’t have all the long-term concerns? You can always choose acid blockers. They are super easy to get. Every convenient store on the planet has them. They are super cheap. They work (until they don’t). Acid blockers are an option. That’s true. Here is my suggestion. Just try it once for 30 days. If you have bad reflux (the...

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Reflux helps with all your reflux/indigestion/heartburn/etc needs

Reflux helps with all your reflux/indigestion/heartburn/etc needs

I may be more excited about this product than anyone else. I get asked about reflux/heartburn all day long. I’ve been loading people up with Upper GI Relief for years to help with reflux. I've felt horrible about the time our past protocols took, the cost, and that they only worked for about 80% of people. To say that Reflux-Mucosa Support is long overdue is a massive understatement. That’s right. After 2 years, Reflux – Mucosa Support is out!!!, it works. Yes, it works fast. Yes, it is natural. It contains prickly pear cactus polysaccharides and olive leaf polyphenols. These...

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Heartburn/Reflux game changer. So excited to finally be able to get this out! - gut health, indigestion, gas, bloating

Heartburn/Reflux game changer. So excited to finally be able to get this out! - gut health, indigestion, gas, bloating

If you have:✔️ Heartburn✔️ Reflux✔️ Indigestion✔️ Bloating✔️ Belching✔️ Burping✔️ Stomach Pain✔️ NauseaMeet your new best friend.Total. Game. Changer. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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Meet our most comprehensive approach to reflux - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

Meet our most comprehensive approach to reflux - gut health, reflux, heartburn, indigestion

A comprehensive approach to reflux. Reflux Plus Kit includes:🔹REFLUX-MUCOSAL SUPPORT: 🔹UPPER GI RELIEF🔹DIGESTIVE ENZYME If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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Histamine Intolerance is known to originate in the gut - gut health

Histamine Intolerance is known to originate in the gut - gut health

If “Histamine Intolerance Originates in the Gut” then does fixing the gut help resolve histamine intolerances?'m going to suggest the answer is "yes." .It is clearly a GI disorder. It's caused by a reduction of a gastrointestinal enzyme called DAO. Therefore, it can be assumed that by helping the gut one would help reduce histamine intolerances. .Intestinal mucosal damage (for example) is directly related to reduced DAO activity. When the mucosa is negatively affected histamine issues occur. ."However, DAO activity has been proposed as a marker of the integrity of intestinal mucosa.""...reduced DAO activity was related to the degree...

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Managerial probiotics are key to addressing constipation long-term - gut health, probiotics, IBS, SIBO

Managerial probiotics are key to addressing constipation long-term - gut health, probiotics, IBS, SIBO

Are managerial probiotics key to addressing constipation long-term? YES. ⁠⁠Should all long-term gut management protocols include probiotic strains like B. coagulans and P. acidilactici? YES. ⁠⁠Do gut managerial probiotics help with a lot more than just constipation? YES. ⁠⁠If you have SIBO, IBS, bad bloating, bad gas, and brain fog should you start with probiotics? NO. ⁠⁠If you are curious why we don’t start with probiotics when bloating, gas, or brain fog are involved just ask. I’m happy to respond. Here are some links to explain it though: ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠There is a time and order to gut health. When in...

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3 proven ways to help leaky gut - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins, prickly pear cactus

3 proven ways to help leaky gut - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins, prickly pear cactus

Yes, there are ingredients shown to reduce the biomarkers of leaky gut (aka LPS and various inflammatory markers). ⁠Yes, these ingredients can start to work right away. ⁠Yes, these ingredients also address intestinal permeability issues. ⁠⁠“The intestinal barrier includes surface mucus, epithelial layer, and immune defenses.” ⁠⁠⁠When I reference leaky gut, I am also referring to the mucosal barrier not just the epithelial layer and immune defenses. ⁠⁠Combining these ingredients is proven by clinical research to address the full complete picture behind leaky gut problems. ⁠⁠A good gut health protocol should address the full scope of leaky gut contributors and...

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9 signs of leaky gut - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins

9 signs of leaky gut - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins

Once a person gets beyond occasional and mild when describing their gut health issues, I immediately think dysbiosis (bacteria imbalances), leaky gut, and low-grade inflammation because they all go together. ⁠⁠Gut barrier integrity is key to health. When the gut barrier goes from semi-permeable (releasing water and nutrients) to really permeable releasing toxins like LPS into the bloodstream, all kinds of problems occur. ⁠⁠Are there ways to address leaky gut? Yes. ⁠⁠Certain probiotics, immunoglobulins, polysaccharides, and polyphenols have been shown to address the intestinal barrier integrity. ⁠⁠Should your gut health protocol address leaky gut? Absolutely. ⁠⁠ If you have questions,...

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Persistent inflammation causes a myriad of other health issues - gut health, leaky gut, probiotics

Persistent inflammation causes a myriad of other health issues - gut health, leaky gut, probiotics

Persistent inflammation is the slow silent underlying cause that comes over an extended period of time that mucks up your body from top to bottom causing a whole collage of health problems. Some people ask to have their protocols address persistent inflammation. Some people don’t know to ask for help with persistent inflammation. All gut health protocols should always address inflammation. But why? The average person comes in with a full mix of health concerns. They don’t know the cause. They have usually been symptom smashing for years and are finally exhausted. If you can find multiple issues from this...

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Leaky gut causes systemic inflammation - gut health, probiotics

Leaky gut causes systemic inflammation - gut health, probiotics

The intestinal lining is semi-permeable, this allows water and nutrients into the bloodstream.⁠.⁠When the intestinal lining becomes more permeable (which is also called leaking by definition), more than just water and nutrients pass through into the bloodstream. ⁠.⁠A healthy lining prevents the absorption of liposaccharide (LPS). LPS is an endotoxin (toxin). Elevated LPS is called metabolic endotoxemia. Metabolic endotoxemia leads to several chronic inflammatory conditions.⁠.⁠Chronic low-grade inflammation causes many health problems. ⁠ . If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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Poor health can start with something little - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins

Poor health can start with something little - gut health, probiotics, immunoglobulins

A roaring fire can begin with a tiny match. 🔥What was your “tiny match” that set off a cascade of health problems? We don’t always connect the use of antibiotics (or a stressful time in life or whatever) with mucked-up whole body health 2 years later. The healthiest of people only need a small lighter to begin a cascade of problems. You probably don’t know why you can’t eat certain foods anymore do you? Certain foods just suddenly cause issues so you avoid them. You say to yourself, “I’m older. This happens with age.” But does it really have to...

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If your life is stressful (who's isn't), you need an amazing gut health plan - mental health, anxiety, depression

If your life is stressful (who's isn't), you need an amazing gut health plan - mental health, anxiety, depression

Yes, better sleep, yoga, exercise, meditation, and a good therapist are great for stress. 💯But if you live a stressful life, you need an amazing gut health plan. Why?Because stress is a complete gut /health wrecking machine. “It can’t be my stress.” But it is probably at least contributing to your issues, if not causing them entirely. Stress triggers a breaking apart of the underlying foundation pieces of whole-body health. To keep those underlying foundation pieces together, you need to manage your gut health. ORYou can wait till your health is shot and then consider working on your gut health....

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Testing for elevated LPS levels in the blood detects leaky gut - gut health, probiotics

Testing for elevated LPS levels in the blood detects leaky gut - gut health, probiotics

Of course, you can. I’m not sure if you have all the signs of leaky gut if you need to test for it, but if you want check for it look for elevated LPS in the blood. Leaky gut is metabolic endotoxemia (toxin overload), which is elevated LPS levels in the blood. ⁠⁠Increased serum endotoxin concentration is followed by elevated inflammation that is marked by measurable increases in interleukin-6, interleukin-1-alpha, interferon-gamma, triglycerides, and post-prandial insulin. ⁠If these markers are elevated, you likely have leaky gut. ⁠

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Leaky gut, real or not real? - gut health, probiotics, inflammation

Leaky gut, real or not real? - gut health, probiotics, inflammation

Intestinal permeability is real but leaky gut isn’t? What? Let’s look at some basic definitions. Permeability: “the ability of a substance to allow gases or liquids to go through it” “(of a liquid or gas) to escape from a hole or crack in a pipe or container; (of a container) to allow liquid or gas to escape…”“Increased permeability is a recently observed condition where the junctions in the gut epithelial wall lose their integrity, allowing material from the lumen to translation into the bloodstream, other organs, or the adipose tissue.” gut is “... based on the concept of increased...

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Addressing allergies through gut health is possible - gut health, prebiotics, hay fever

Addressing allergies through gut health is possible - gut health, prebiotics, hay fever

How can you address allergies? Choose your prebiotics wisely. There are general prebiotics and then there are precision prebiotics like ApplePhenon® with roughly 50 scientific publications showcasing its ability to modulate the gut microbiome and balance bacteria imbalance ratios. Those of us with really bad allergies get it. I grew up on large family cattle ranches/farms. I had allergy shots every Wednesday. And I still took antihistamines as well. Cleaning up my gut and taking the right prebiotics with probiotics has been life changing. Guess when the last time was that I needed an antihistamine? It has been over 8...

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You can target belly fat through gut health - prebiotics, weight loss, gut health

You can target belly fat through gut health - prebiotics, weight loss, gut health

“You Can’t Target Belly Fat!!!!!!” ⁠That’s a correct statement in reference to exercising! Sit ups will not target belly fat. 💯 ⁠⁠But technically, you can target belly fat through prebiotics and gut health….⁠“Fortunately, a landmark human study found that when big-belly persons took 600 mg of ApplePhenon® daily, they experienced a significant reduction in belly fat after eight weeks, and even more after twelve weeks.” Dr. William Sears ⁠⁠⁠I have experienced this firsthand, dropping four pant sizes.⁠⁠The science for gut health and fat loss is solid. You hit what you shoot for:⁠• Increasing Short-Chain Fatty Acids (they control the metabolism)...

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Gut health and cholesterol management - gut health, prebiotics, probiotics

Gut health and cholesterol management - gut health, prebiotics, probiotics

“Would I need to continue to take prebiotics long-term?” ⁠You can stop. Or you can continue to address gut health for other health benefits like improving cholesterol. ⁠.⁠My family genetically has high cholesterol. My whole family has this issue. Everyone uses statins to help reduce their cholesterol. I USED to use them. ⁠.⁠One major health benefit for me as I maintain my gut health by consistently using the probiotics and prebiotic together (aside from the weight management benefits and allergy management benefits) has been that I no longer need statins or other meds for my cholesterol. It's comforting, especially with...

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Gut health can impact allergies/hay fever. Probiotics & prebiotics can help

Gut health can impact allergies/hay fever. Probiotics & prebiotics can help

When people ask me how I got over all my allergies I say, “Taking the right probiotics and prebiotics long enough.” .I grew up with horrible allergies. Horrible. .Shots every Wednesday during the summer so I could work on the family ranches. Antihistamines all the time. It was not fun. .Addressing gut health correctly and deliberately with the right ingredients shown to help specifically with allergies (among other things), is the way to go. .If what you have been doing isn’t working, then it isn’t working. .If you have questions on allergies, please let us know by sending us a...

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The best way to increase delicate gut bacteria is with amazing prebiotics - gut health

The best way to increase delicate gut bacteria is with amazing prebiotics - gut health

DID YOU KNOW?.Many of the most critically important probiotics / bacteria that the body needs are not available in probiotic supplement and that if they are they do not survive digestion? .I asked our chief science officer one time why we don’t have an akkermansia probiotic strain. Her response was that they don’t survive digestion even in special coatings and capsules. Akkermansia is best produced in the gut by prebiotics. .You are more likely to find more success increasing probiotic types in the gut like Bifidobacterium by using a prebiotic like PreticX® than using dozens of strains of Bifidobacterium from...

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Hair Complex for all your hair growth needs - volume, shine, hair growth

Hair Complex for all your hair growth needs - volume, shine, hair growth

This one is a hair game changer. Hair Complex will help your hair:⁠✔️ Grow faster⁠✔️ Have more volume⁠✔️ Have more shine⁠.⁠So many amazing features from these three simple ingredients.⁠⁠#silverfernbrand #guthealth #healyourgut #beautyfromwithin #suplementsthatwork #keratin #collagen #omega #seabuckthronberry #bamboo #hair #hairgrowth #hairvolume #shinyhair #livewell

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Are you so discouraged with your hair growth? - beauty from within, keratin, sea buckthorn berry, bamboo

Are you so discouraged with your hair growth? - beauty from within, keratin, sea buckthorn berry, bamboo

Having your hair thin due to health issues like autoimmune disorders is so discouraging. ⁠.⁠Or maybe you caught a certain v!rus and your hair has never been the same since. ⁠.⁠Or did you chop your hair and regret it two days later, wishing it would grow back in a few days? ⁠.⁠Hair Complex contains three simple ingredients that make a huge impact:⁠✔️ Keragen-IV™-helps with the production of collagen IV to strengthen hair folllicles and nails and increases hair growth...dramatically⁠✔️ Sea Buckthorn Berry-promotes circulation in the scalp, enhances hair follilcle reproduction⁠✔️ Bamboo Extract - Strengthens individual hair strands, increases hair volume...

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Increasing butyrate can help many aspects of health - gut health, prebiotics

Increasing butyrate can help many aspects of health - gut health, prebiotics

Leaky gut? Intestinal inflammation? Weight problems? Sleeping issues? Worried about strokes, depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease? IBS? .You need to increase butyrate!.Healthy gut bacteria produce butyrate. If your gut is a wreck and you have a lot more bad bacteria than good bacteria, then you are going to be “less” healthy. .Once motility is good and the gut is cleaned up, the next item on the list is to rapidly increase bacteria that will skyrocket your butyrate production. This is important for a wide variety of reasons:✔️ Skin health✔️ Overcoming food allergies 🤧✔️ Strong immune system ✔️ Better sleeping😴✔️...

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How does Gluten Comfort work? - gut health, celiac, gluten intolerance

How does Gluten Comfort work? - gut health, celiac, gluten intolerance

What is Tolerase® G? Better yet, what does it do? .It helps provide the added digestive enzymes you need to help break down gluten so that you can enjoy gluten again..Perfect for those who experience gluten intolerance or sensitivity. What if you deal with celiac? It's perfect for those times you suspect cross contamination. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand

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P. Acidilactici has shown to help with candida, autoimmune issues, & heavy metal contamination

P. Acidilactici has shown to help with candida, autoimmune issues, & heavy metal contamination

Anyone looking for a probiotic to help reduce or manage:✔️ Candida Overgrowth✔️ autoimmune issues✔️ Heavy metal contamination“…acute metal intoxication, it is associated with undesirable side effects.” may want to consider P. acidilactici!.If you have any concerns with heavy metals, candida overgrowth, inflammatory issues, and mold issues you may want to consider P. acidilactici in your probiotic supplement. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram.

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Clinically dosed Kids Probiotic, because kids need probiotics too - gut health

Clinically dosed Kids Probiotic, because kids need probiotics too - gut health

Specially formulate to keep your child's gut in peak condition. ⁠.⁠We made sure to include the best strains of probiotics at clinical dosing to keep those little ones moving right along. ⁠

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Is your gut affecting your thyroid - gut health, Hashimotos, Graves

Is your gut affecting your thyroid - gut health, Hashimotos, Graves

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) or Graves’ disease (GD) anyone? Thyroid concerns anyone?⁠.⁠These issues are commonly linked to a damaged intestinal barrier (leaky gut) and dysbiosis (bacteria imbalances). Further, both leaky gut and bacteria imbalances affect the availability of nutrients to the body, which in turn results in a poor functioning thyroid. ⁠.⁠“Gut microbiota also influences the absorption of minerals that are important to the thyroid, including iodine, selenium, zinc, and iron. All of them are essential for thyroid function and there is a clear link between thyroid dysfunction and altered levels of these minerals.”⁠⁠.⁠“There is accumulating data that a strong thyroid–gut...

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Why a Whole Food Vitamin? - vitamin, bioavailable, nutrients, fruits, vegetables

Why a Whole Food Vitamin? - vitamin, bioavailable, nutrients, fruits, vegetables

Whole Food Multivitamin Features:✔️Derived from 100% organic fruit and vegetable produce✔️Extracted micronutrients without the carbs and sugars✔️Contains 0% synthetic chemicals or man-made artificial products✔️78 Naturally Occurring Minerals✔️Natural, Vegan, Non-GMO✔️Electrolyte Replacement✔️Manufactured in facilities that follow cGMP standards.PLUS trace minerals that need to be replenished daily.

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Quiet Serenity has many physical and emotional benefits like improved sleep - gut health, ashwagandha, probiotic

Quiet Serenity has many physical and emotional benefits like improved sleep - gut health, ashwagandha, probiotic

Sleep. But not only sleep, DEEP sleep. .Quiet Serenity also helps with:🔹cortisol🔹gut-brain axis🔹concentration🔹stress Please send us a DM on Instagram with any questions! @silverfernbrand

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Regular drinking water can be contaminated with all sorts of things we don't want in our bodies

Regular drinking water can be contaminated with all sorts of things we don't want in our bodies

I get asked about heavy metal issues A LOT. I get asked about all sorts of toxins (chemicals, metals, etc.) that affect the gut microbiome that are best addressed by just not consuming them. The primary way to stop having heavy metal issues and other contaminant problems is to stop drinking them every day. .How do you do that? You can spend roughly $5k on a system and have it installed in your home. OR you can spend around $400 for a Big Berkey that you can easily move with you and that will get rid of everything you don’t...

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H. pylori causes all sorts of issues, immunoglobulins can help - gut health, reflux, stomach ache

H. pylori causes all sorts of issues, immunoglobulins can help - gut health, reflux, stomach ache

“A few hours after I eat, I feel swelling and bloating. I have burping, stomach pains and nausea. And I get a strong burning ache in my stomach. What is it?” .That’s probably an H. pylori infection, and most people don’t know that they have it. .H. pylori can also cause unexplained weight loss, stomach aches, gastritis, and a peptic ulcer. .Healthcare providers will likely suggest antibiotics, H2-blockers, or PPIs. .What do we suggest? A high dose of immunoglobulins. .“The immunoglobulin content of SBI has previously been shown to bind to a variety of microbial antigens (e.g., LPS, flagellin, peptidoglycan,...

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Precision prebiotics help increase good bacteria in the gut - gut health

Precision prebiotics help increase good bacteria in the gut - gut health

You may find it interesting that when I asked my science team (that specialize in the microbiome) years ago about how to increase beneficial bacteria, they didn’t suggest reseeding probiotic strains. They suggested using targeted precision prebiotics. .They like polyphenols, XOS prebiotics, etc. They like various gum prebiotics like baobab and acacia gum. Better yet, they like pairing these prebiotics with gut management probiotics. .Along with gut management probiotics that possess competitive exclusion to drive out bad stuff from the gut, prebiotics are also able to directly increase beneficial bacteria to drive out pathogens. .“Polyphenols exert their beneficial effects as...

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Applephenon™ provides many positive benefits to the body - gut health, metabolism

Applephenon™ provides many positive benefits to the body - gut health, metabolism

Let’s nerd out on the precision prebiotic known as APPLEPHENON™ and how it affects the body.⁠.⁠A recent murine study found that ApplePhenon™ administration:⁠⬇️ Significantly reduced diet-induced obesity⁠⬇️ Decreased the levels of metabolites associated with insulin resistance⁠✔️ Regulated expression of genes related to lipid metabolism. ⁠.⁠Researchers believe these outcomes are due to the fact that apple polyphenols repair the gut barrier and reduce levels of gut-derived endotoxins in the bloodstream. Furthermore, ApplePhenon™ markedly decreased the Firmicutes: Bacteroidetes ratio and increased abundance of Akkermansia 8-fold. Both of these gut microbial changes are associated with improved gut barrier function and metabolic health. 👏🏼⁠.⁠These...

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Digestive enzymes specific to FODMAP foods - gut health, gas, bloating, digestion

Digestive enzymes specific to FODMAP foods - gut health, gas, bloating, digestion

Sometimes the most nutritious foods are also some of the toughest for our bodies to break down. Bloat and Gas Relief:✔️ Helps relieve digestive issues without the need for food avoidance✔️Promotes the reduction of bloating and gas.FODMAP food issues? Gas and bloating issues? Gas & Bloat Relief can help! Bloat & Gas Relief helps provide dietary freedom for people on a low FODMAP diet and is a key part of Silver Fern™ Brand's solutions for excessive gas and bloating. Please DM us on Instagram with any questions! @silverfernbrand

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Why do you need digestive enzymes? -  gut health, nutrient absorption, bloating

Why do you need digestive enzymes? - gut health, nutrient absorption, bloating

WHY Digestive Enzymes?🔹 In our late 20’s the number of enzymes we produce starts to drop, and by age 30 we can become quite deficient in digestive enzymes.*🔹As your enzyme levels drop, digestion is replaced with bloating and discomfort.*🔹Your body does not naturally produce the enzyme needed to digest plant-based foods.*🔹Proper digestion of food further breaks down nutrients to be absorbed in the bloodstream and be utilized properly.*.Why Silver Fern Brand Digestive Enzymes?✔️ 3X stronger than common enzymes✔️ 100% intestinal pH coverage with complete protein digestion Please DM us on Instagram with any questions! @silverfernbrand

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True probiotics can enhance the benefits of antibiotics as well help with the issues they cause - gut health, probiotics

True probiotics can enhance the benefits of antibiotics as well help with the issues they cause - gut health, probiotics

Antibiotics happen. Most people have used them at one point or another. But antibiotics don’t have to create a disaster in your gut. .Choosing the right probiotics (i.e., B. subtilis, S. bouardii) that can actually improve how well antibiotics work is a plus. .For example, tired of recurring UTIs? B. subtilis along with antibiotics has been shown to be significantly more effective than antibiotics alone at reducing recurring UTIs. .SIBO anyone? Adding S. boulardii has been shown to increase the success rate from 25% with antibiotics alone to 55% with those same antibiotics and S. boulardii together. (Though I personally...

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Get three powerful prebiotics in one product - gut health

Get three powerful prebiotics in one product - gut health

We've talked a lot about the amazing health benefits that come from:🔹PreticX™🔹MicrobiomeX™🔹ApplePhenon™Get these powerhouses in one product, our Targeted Prebiotic. Please DM us on Instagram with any questions. @silverfernbrand

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Looking to rapidly build up your gut health? - prebiotics, SCFAs, polyphenols, fat loss

Looking to rapidly build up your gut health? - prebiotics, SCFAs, polyphenols, fat loss

“Studies have shown that short-chain fatty acids also regulate fat metabolism by increasing fat burning and decreasing fat storage.” ⁠⁠.⁠Looking to rapidly build up your gut health? This is one of those precision prebiotics that can do it. These amazing citrus polyphenols (MicrobiomeX®) are able to:⁠✔️ Change the gut microbiome composition⁠🛡️ Protect and improve gut barrier function⁠⚕️ Activate the immune system ⁠⬇️ Lower gut inflammation through a positive shift in the microbiome (increased SCFAs like butyrate and a lower pathogen load). ⁠.⁠These polyphenols are proven to increase gut microbial composition, protect the gut barrier, and support flourishing total body health....

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