Parasites: Energy Vampires - gut health, c idff, h pylori

Hi. My name is Phil. I have personally helped people one-on-one for years now with a wide range of issues. In Utah (where we live), we get a lot of LDS missionaries who have served ecclesiastical missions in foreign countries where they have developed or contracted many parastic or major gut imbalances. We see a lot of "major imbalance" issues (parasites, candida, SIBO, IBS, IBD, skin problems, chronic constipation, major diarrhea, etc.) So, you might say we "practice" what we do a lot.

We know what works because we help a lot of people one-on-one.

Here are some points that seem very consistent:
1) If a person has bad slow motility issues (constipation, reflux, heartburn, gastritis, gastroparesis, indigestion, etc.) and doesn't address that upfront, their issues come back. So, whether people like it or not, we establish motility as the first step for those who need it.

2) Pathogens co-exist. This means, in my opinion, that the vast majority of "selective cleanse" (parasite, candida, etc.) programs are 💩 and a waste of 💰️. Here is my question to you: Did they work? Did your issues go away?

When bad imbalances exist, it is best to assume they are all present and hit them all at once.

3) The best time to build up the gut is AFTER a thorough cleanup, not during.

4) Probiotics ARE NOT the end-all-be-all for gut health.

Our process is big. It does take time. The vast majority of people who do our protocols CORRECTLY see incredible results. FACT.

If discomforts come up, which they can, cut the dosing by half and keep going then increase the dosing back as soon as you can. The discomfort means it is working.

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