How does it help with menopause weight gain issues? - womens health, weightloss, menopause

Yes, I’m at that magical stage of life where menopause and all the glorious things that come with it are a daily part of my life (hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, rapidly aging skin, being tired, not sleeping well, brain fog, etc. etc. etc.). It. Is. Miserable. 👎🏼

Our science team developed the Body Composition Kit because Phil (my husband) struggles with overeating and a massive appetite, he was prediabetic with insulin resistance, and he struggled losing weight. 

So, all good things for Phil, but let’s talk about how the kit has helped me in this new “fun” stage, because it has been a game changer (addressing hormone imbalances aside, because that’s a huge part of getting through menopause). Hi, my name is Tiffany and I’m the other (better? 😆) half of Silver Fern Brand.

Here is my experience:

1️⃣ I didn't notice weight loss for the first bit. My in-body scan showed a reduction of fat and an increase in lean muscle. Clothing fit better and the way I looked in the mirror was improving. Three months in, the excess weight is coming off and the muscle is staying put, avoiding that old lady sag. 👐🏼

2️⃣ My sweet tooth dramatically decreased and my ability to eat sweets when I did also decreased.

3️⃣ ENERGY. I started making it through the day without a nap and not feeling like I could fall asleep standing up by 6:00 pm. This isn’t jittery energy like you get from caffeine but just steady energy all day long.

4️⃣ Sleep. I have noticed I sleep so much better! I’m not wiped out by the time bedtime rolls around (thanks energy), I just go to bed and fall asleep quickly and soundly.😴

5️⃣ With the energy also comes mental clarity. Perimenopause/menopause brain fog ☁️ is real but that has become a thing of the past.

6️⃣ And then there’s my skin, I don’t get injections of any kind, but I have noticed my skin is tighter and more youthful looking. That droopy, crepey, thin skin is looking so much better. 

✨BONUS: I have had a dramatic decrease in cellulite!✨

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