What makes Silver Fern different? - gut health, clinically researched

We care about organic, non-GMO, and natural certifications. Obviously. Our science team are sticklers for quality—like, obsessive. But you won’t see us plastering those claims all over. Why? Because while those labels are cute, what really matters to us is the COA (certificate of authentication) and third-party testing that proves the product is safe and effective. AND THEN we really need to see that the ingredients are actually backed by gold-standard clinical research. Spoiler alert: A lot of “science” looks good on paper but doesn’t actually do much in real life.

Oh, and by the way, we make sure the ingredient doses are maxed out for real results—because guess what? We take our own products too. Shocking, I know.

Now, you've probably seen companies flexing with claims like, “Formulated by a MD, PhD, DDS, XYZ, LMNOP...” Yeah, cool story, but that doesn’t mean squat most of the time.

Fun fact: most companies don’t even bother to test their products before launch. They just grab some trendy ingredients with fancy names and hope for the best. Genius, right?

Then they throw a salad of 12+ ingredients on the label with organic, natural, and NON-GMO claims to make you say “Wow!”—but here's the catch: the doses are weak, the ingredients aren’t patented (because, y’know, money), and the optimal doses are often slashed by 50-75% (It's Cheap!). Basically, they’re selling you air with a sprinkle of science-y words.

Ever notice how few ingredients we use? Yeah, that’s because we actually go for the good stuff—it's not the cheapest stuff on the market for a reason—at doses that actually work.

Here’s the deal: we audit the science, we test it ourselves (because we’re our own guinea pigs), and then we throw thousands of dollars at samples for friends and family to try (this is because we have constant access to them to ask questions and get detailed responses). If the product delivers, we launch it. If not? We scrap it. Simple as that. No fluff, no nonsense.

We only launch a few products a year because...those are the only ones that pass the test.

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