Vitamin K2 is key to heart health because it prevents calcium buildup in the arteries. (18)
Vitamin K2-7 is the best form of Vitamin K2.
And Vitamin K2 works even better when paired with Vitamin D3.
Hi. My name is Phil. I promise, we aren't trying to complicate anything. When our science team builds out products we actually try to "keep it simple" by using the best form of ingredients at the clinically supported doses for what our objective is. The pairing of the two ingredients together in K2D3 is science based.
Here is the top question we get asked about this product:
"Why do you only use 1,000 IUs of Vitamin D3?"
Good question.
The answer is that most people don't need more than that. People like my wife (or me during winter months) need more so we take an additional capsule each day during the winter. That gets our levels where we need them.
During the summer months, I spend a lot of time in the sun coaching football. My wife spends a lot time in the sun with our children. I don't need two capsules during the summer. She still does. So, while I love to go big with products, I don't fight our science team and researchers on the dosing of products since they justify their formulations with stacks of current research.
So, in conclusion, K2D3 is a very good source of Vitamin K2 with Vitamin D3 to help support heart and bone health. *
The neglected player of heart health - gut health, vitamin D3, vitamin K2
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
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