Scientist Concedes...- health, dosing matters, Non-GMO, clean supplements

Clean Ingredients Should Be the Standard—Not the Selling Point
In today’s industry, clean manufacturing, clean ingredients, and avoiding artificial additives should be a given.

Let’s take the new Sensitive Gut Fiber reformulation coming out soon as an example:

✔ All-natural & organic Baobab & Acacia blend? ✅ Yes.
✔ NONGMO Project Verified, Glyphosate Residue Free Solnul prebiotic fiber? ✅ Yes.

But what really matters? Using the correct clinical doses of ingredients that actually work—not just ingredients that sound good on a label. 

At Silver Fern, our focus is on:
🔹 Building up the microbiome without triggering digestive issues in those with SIBO & IBS
🔹 Decreasing leaky gut & histamine intolerances
🔹 Delivering real results, not just "clean" marketing buzzwords

Quality Shouldn’t Be a Selling Point—It Should Be the Standard
✔ Third-party testing? We don’t just do it—we do it three times before a product goes out.
✔ No window dressing. The right clinical doses matter more than trendy ingredient names.

Many companies do not use clinically validated doses—but we do.

If a Silver Fern™ Product Doesn’t Work for You…
❓ Is it the wrong product for your needs?
❓ Is your dosing matched to your specific issues?
❓ Have you taken it long enough to see real effects?

One thing is certain: We formulate for results, not price points. PERIOD.

#silverfernbrand #guthealth #dosingmatters #leakygut #histamineintolerances #SIBO #IBS #microbiome #nonGMO #natural #organic

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