I want to be honest.
Here is my personality in full:
1) I feel way more comfortable being super direct, frank, open and honest. It's a safe place for me and an awkward place (sometimes) for others (Tiffany). I'd actually prefer people not buy anything, than buy something and have a poor experience.
2) I personally like direct and frank answers. So, I expect others may want the same.
When we say "help" we actually mean we desire to fully address the issue. We legally can only say "Help", "Promote", "Aid", and "Support". But our objective is to make it so our customers walk away without issues to regain their lives again.
When it comes to a hiatal hernia, I can't honestly say we can fully address it. That does not mean in the majority of situations the protocols for constipation, reflux, heartburn, indigestion, gastritis, low stomach acid, etc. don't provide full relief to people, it does. BUT, I also can't honestly say we can address all hiatal hernia situations. I want that out in the open upfront. It's HONEST.
SO, do our protocols help hiatal hernia situations. Of course. But is our approach going to fix a hiatal hernia. Absolutely not.
Notes from Phil - gut health, hernia
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
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