"Glutened" - gut health, celiac, gluten intolerance

Let's dive into the science and I'll do my best to NOT pick a fight.

✅️Fact: If a person rapidly breaks down the offensive proteins in gluten before they cause major harm, it can both reduce the impact for people with food intolerances AND THOSE with Celiac. This is a good option to help reduce the impact of being "glutened."

This is not to suggest that enzymes address Celiac Disease nor am I suggesting that a person with Celiac should not eat a strictly gluten diet.

✅️Fact: Many people that think they have a gluten intolerance, do in fact, have a fructan (FODMAP) intolerance.

We have a great FODMAP enzyme too. It also needs to be taken in the right doses before or at the beginning of the meal before the "offense" happens. DM us #FODMAP for information on this enzyme.

✅️Fact: A person with Celiac Disease can see significant improvement from following the right gut health protocol.

If you were to take a high dose of a specific butyrate that rapidly absorbed in the small intestine (the most problematic area of the intestinal system for Celiac), not the large intestine, with a high dose of immunoglobulins you may very well see a significant stimulation of anti inflammatory immune cells such as regulatory T cells ,increased production of anti-inflammatory cytokines, decreased intestinal permeability, increased mucus production, and decreased inflammation to have a significant impact on Celiac and other autoimmune issues. (20)

For information on enzymes that help break down the offensive proteins in gluten, please take our 5-second quiz to find out where to start. We will NOT collect your email or contact information. It’s the fastest quiz you’ll take.

For those with autoimmune issues that want to get serious about driving down inflammation and addressing the underlying causes, please look for our new immune tolerance protocol to be released December 2024 / January 2025!

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