Chronic constipation is more than just forcing bowel movements or a bacteria imbalance - gut health, motility, laxatives

Most constipation products and protocols don't work. Why? ⁠
They focus on forced motility OR they focus on gut imbalances ONLY with probiotics. It is very tough to clean up something that is clogged up. ⁠

There are 4 keys to helping with constipation issues:⁠
1) Motility activation (not the forced dependency motility provided by laxatives)⁠
2) Soothing and calming the system. When the system is flared up it is going to be clogged up. Motility issues are an inflammatory issue. ⁠
3) Lubrication. A dry colon produces dry waste that causes painful bowel movements.⁠
4) Microbial imbalances. It is good to start this process, but not with probiotics. ⁠

We suggest our Constipation Protocol! You will take 5 Upper GI Relief capsules morning and night with or without food. You will take the rest of the products based upon the instructions on the bottles. If you have not had fiber (even a low FODMAP prebiotic fiber) in a long time, please start slowly with the Sensitive Gut Fiber: 1 quarter of a scoop for the first week. ⁠

If your stomach is super sensitive, like gastritis sensitive or just can't handle new ingredients, please start with the Reflux & Constipation Protocol (even if you don't experience reflux).⁠

If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit for our protocols.

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