8 reasons to use artichoke leaf extract - gut health, constipation

We get asked a lot about the higher doses of artichoke leaf extract in our motility plan. It's fair to question something at a higher dose.⁠

Did you know that 2,700 mg of artichoke leaf extract daily has been shown to provide really good liver support? ⁠

Some research says that artichoke leaf extract can significantly reduce total cholesterol (which seems to be my experience too).⁠

Do I personally think it is going to help with weight loss? I don't. But it may be good in conjunction with other efforts. ⁠

Does it help with motility? We sure think so. That's our experience with it. ⁠

We have found the higher doses of artichoke leaf extract to be really good in the first step of gut health protocols.⁠

If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit https://www.silverfernbrand.com/#quiz-5XHJMn for our protocols.

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