Why worry about short-chain fatty acids? - gut health, probiotics, SCFA

Answer: Just as long as you want to be healthy
Question: How long do I have to work on my gut health?

In the last 3 years my mid section has shrunk (by multiple pant sizes), my cholesterol is finally good (more good and a lot less bad, which is amazing because my genetics heavily anchor me towards cholesterol issues), my pre-diabetic state is no more, and all my other health markers look really good. What did I do? I followed the advice of our science team.

Step 1 - Work on digestion and clean up my gut
Step 2 - Build up the gut

When the right probiotics are paired with the right prebiotics short-chain fatty acids are produced in high quantities. This is extremely good for the overall health of your body. It's one of the secrets to improving your health markers. The combination of products to do this needs to be calculated, evaluated, researched, and properly tested with real people (not based solely on research).

If you are curious what I did to "build up" my gut, click here. We'll share the combination we use to not only increase short-chain fatty acids but also all the key bacteria types that are not available in probiotics that you need for total body health.

If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

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