Why does gut health matter? - gut health, probiotics
November 30, 2022“Does gut health affect _______________ (fill in the blank)?”
The answer is “YES.”
Gut health helps determine whole body health. Why should you care about it? Because it dramatically affects overall health.
“Do you think poor gut health is what is making it so I can’t lose weight?”
Since the metabolism is controlled by short-chain fatty acids in the gut, I’m going to say, “For sure.”
Years ago, Tiffany and I were really interested in adding more sports supplements to Silver Fern™ Brand. We were very focused on that. But we kept encountering the same problem. When the gut isn’t healthy all that other stuff doesn’t matter…literally.
How many people exercise daily and eat healthy but are miserable? (anxiety/depression, bloating, stomach pain, food restrictions, acne, etc.) So many. So so many.
Are exercise and eating healthy important? For sure. No question. But is gut health key to making everything else work BEST? Yes.
If you are missing gut health from your health protocol, then you are missing out on the potential of what you are working towards.
If you have questions or are unsure where to start, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand