The gut may be the missing piece to your weight loss journey - gut health, diet, exercise, probiotics, prebiotics

A high fiber diet only works for weight loss if a person has high Prevotella abundance. Crazy, right?

If you feel like you've done everything you can to lose weight/fat but nothing is changing, your gut may be the issue.

This isn't to take away from diet and exercise programs. Those are key. But what if you can help yourself get off the hamster wheel of exercising and dieting with little to nothing to show for it? Since the gut is literally connected to fat accumulation and burn, it makes sense to learn the gut-metabolism relationship to improve your fitness program.

Yes, you can actually target the growth of the bacteria and gut compounds shown to be conducive to losing fat and weight.

No, boosting the right bacteria in your gut won't instantaneously make you skinny. At least it didn't for me. It took a little over a year of focused gut health efforts to improve my waistline. Now that I am where I want to be with my waistline , I live a normal life and I keep my fat off without any issue.

The gut health approach to losing fat isn't a gimmick. It isn't a starvation diet or calorie counting program. It isn't a yo-yo diet program to look slim and skinny before a vacation or wedding 3 weeks from now. It is to change the underlying causes holding you back from being able to lose the extra pounds when you are trying to eat healthy and exercise.

Yes, it can be done while on other fitness and weight loss plans to make them better. Use it in conjunction with your program.

All our gut health protocols are also focused on helping with energy, metabolism, and changing:
✔️body composition

For weight loss / body composition goals specifically try:
👍🏼Sensitive Gut Fiber
👍🏼Ultimate Probiotic
👍🏼Targeted Prebiotic

If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

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