So now what? - gut health, SIBO, SIFO, IBS
September 13, 2024"And I have bloating and gas and constipation and diarrhea and reflux and heartburn and histamine issues and nausea and gluten intolerance, and FODMAP issues and...Did I mention I look pregnant by the end of the day?"
Hi. I'm Phil. I'm direct.
Why do most approaches to gut issues fail? Simple.
1) People start in the wrong spot (Cleanup is always first, right? WRONG! Probiotics are the best product for everything. WRONG!)
2) People typically address "one" issue when there are actually many issues all connected and all can cause bad bloating.
3) People think the solution should be fast, one product centered, and inexpensive (like laxatives). One product to cure it all! Pigs will fly before this is reality.
Yes, it would be AMAZING if there was one pill to fix it. But, that's not reality.
1) The digestive system is all connected so to help one piece you should look at all pieces. This process is complex and takes time.
2) Issues like "slow motility" issues are not solely related to the colon and constipation
3) Slow motility issues CAUSE major imbalances so if you clean everything up but still use laxatives or remain constipated your imbalances and problems will come back
4) Acid blockers are great at blocking acid AND allowing pathogens to enter into your digestive system, encouraging SIBO, increasing likelihood of C. diff infection (22), reducing nutrient absorption, etc.
5) Pathogens co-exist. Hit them all at once.
Customer: "I did a candida cleanse!"
Me: You know that came from an imbalance of bacteria, right? 36
If you follow the protocols "as is" for your situation, the majority of people succeed. FACT. How do I know? I work with many one-on-one every day just to make sure I can honestly say this works.
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