Signs of H. Pylori - gut health, reflux, heartburn, burping
June 10, 2023What most of us forget (including me) is that one issue in the gut can affect many others. In fact, I am increasingly having people start in the upper GI tract no matter what so we don't miss anything.
As with all imbalances in the gut (the big nasty ones too), we really like the combination of immunoglobulins and AGNPS (for us this is in the form of frequency activated nano AG404) to help clean things up.
Note 1:
Immunoglobulins are binders. If you have constipation or slow motility issues, please wait until step 2 of a gut health protocol before introducing immunoglobulins. Also, for H. pylori (which is in the stomach) please open the capsules and pour the powder into a drink.
Note 2:
Frequency activated nano AG404 is very effective and should be eased into. If you have major imbalances, taking high doses of this initially may lead to flu-like discomforts. When bad stuff is driven out it does not nicely go away. I would suggest 1/2-1 tsp per day for the first month. In months 2 and 3, please use 3 tsp per day. In months 4, 5, and 6 go back to 1 tsp per day. Take it on an empty stomach 20 minutes before eating breakfast. It works best when it has unrestricted action against bad stuff in the gut.
Finally, for reflux, heartburn, gastritis issues, nausea, etc. I strongly encourage people to load up on the MucoSave® in powder form (I suggest 800-1200 mg per day for the first 90 days). It doesn't taste good but it is amazing for the stomach lining, low stomach acid, reflux/heartburn, inflammatory issues of the gut lining, nutrient absorption, etc.
If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit for our protocols.