Recent research findings on the use of psychedelics for mental health issues - mental health, anxiety, depression
April 14, 2023Anyone feel like their minds are locked up? Do you or anyone you know suffer from lingering depression and anxiety issues? Has anyone gone through years of therapy with little to show?
If you or anyone you know struggles with mental health issues, the research on the advances in psychedelics may be super interesting to you. I try to keep up on the research of psychedelics because I am close to people that struggle with depression. And I myself struggle with anxiety.
For years psychedelics were under attack by the government (partly out of ignorance and partly out of the fact they were being abused by people) so little research was done on them. Now, more and more research is being done on them to see if they may be an option to help with mental health problems while under the supervision of therapists and medical professionals. Like many things, when abused, psychedelics are bad. But in the future (or present), psychedelics may prove to be a helpful part of the process in overcoming mental health disorders and issues.
Silver Fern™ Brand does not sell any products that contain psychedelics nor do we encourage the use of them. We are simply sharing recent information on their possible benefits when used under supervision.
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