Micropastics - gut health

Yes, improving gut health can even help get rid of microplastics.

It would be nice if we could all avoid everything bad, but microplastics and nanoplastics are everywhere.

"Microplastics are inside us all."

"'I didn’t really think we were going to see anything,' Ross says. But when they examined the mice’s tissues, they were shocked. 'Every one we looked at we found the microplastics. It was surprising, especially finding them in the brain. Things are not supposed to go there!'"

I might suggest the best defense with bad things flowing into our body daily is a very aggressive offense.

Many people ask, "How long do I have to work on gut health?'

My response now is, "Every day your body is fighting something: viruses, chemicals, pathogenic bacteria, heavy metal exposure, stress, etc. Since your body is on the attack daily, don't you think you should fight back daily? With your health there is no middle ground. You are either fighting to be healthy all the time or you losing."

But the fight doesn't have to be extensive. Once you get your gut health on track, maintaining it is quite simple.

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