Metabolism: Lose the Fat. Keep the Muscle - gut health, weight loss
November 04, 2024Confession time: I'm a total food addict. I dream about food, love it, and I’m not shy about indulging in large portions. My cravings can get out of control. Sure, I work out 4 to 6 days a week, but no matter how hard I hit the gym, I still struggle because of my diet. At best, I can manage 70% healthy eating.
Counting calories and macros? Yeah, I know it works for some, but that sounds like torture to me.
You know what makes healthy eating easier? Not craving junk food. And the gym? It’s way more exciting when you actually see results because you're not sabotaging your hard work with a bad diet.
Hi, I'm Phil. Over time, I dialed in my gut health like a pro. No more bloating, reflux, or food intolerances—those are history. But despite my gut being in top shape, I still had one big problem: overeating. I couldn’t drop those last 25 pounds no matter what I tried—diets, supplements, gut health improvements (loading Akkermansia), you name it. New diets work... but only as long as I built my entire life around them. The moment I slipped, 💥! The weight came right back.
So, I had something formulated just for me: Metabolism. After seven years of trying to crack the code, we finally lucked into it. And let me tell you, if you stick to the instructions and combine it with a solid diet and exercise, it works.
But here’s the best part: Metabolism is only the beginning. In December 2024, we’re launching a 3-product fitness protocol designed for people like me—and maybe like you too. It’s not about just losing weight. It’s about transforming your body: less fat, more lean muscle. It will make you look good (fit and healthy looking).
Give it four months of dedication, and you'll start to see a whole new you. This is about making success almost impossible to fail. Let’s do this. Start with Metabolism now. Prevent the weight gain now!
Last, Stress Complex isn't just for stress. It helps with cortisol issues: 44% reduction in 60 days.*