Is stevia hazardous? - sugar free, artificial sweeteners, stevia

Stevia: Safe, But an Acquired Taste? 🌿🤔

You may not like the taste.
You might have a reaction.
But calling stevia "toxic"? That’s a stretch. 🚫

👋 Hi, I’m Phil. We get 50+ stevia questions daily. Here’s what we’ve found:

1️⃣ As of Feb 2025, stevia is considered a safe, natural sweetener. Opposing research? Mostly inconclusive. Could new findings emerge? Maybe. But nothing definitive so far.

2️⃣ Reactions? Most people struggling with stevia either:
Took whole-leaf stevia (which contains tannins & alkaloids).
Used low-quality extracts.
Reacted to other ingredients in the product—not stevia itself.

3️⃣ Let’s talk flavor. ☕ 67% of U.S. adults drink coffee daily. It’s an acquired taste—so why expect stevia to be any different? And for those who drink alcohol but say stevia is nasty… really? You’ll sip whiskey for the effect, but not a healthy product with stevia for its benefits? 🤷‍♂️

Like it or not, these are just details to consider. 💡

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