Increasing antibodies (immunoglobulins) is the secret to detoxing the gut-c. diff, e. coli, LPS, cleanse
January 20, 2022 A healthy gut has a very limited amount of pathogens/ toxins. A healthy gut has a lot of beneficial antibodies/immunoglobulins (i.e., IgG).
Toxins include viruses, pathogenic bacteria, mold toxins, chemical toxins, fungi toxins, etc. They come in a variety of crazy names. The body fights these invaders with an army of immunoglobulins.
When the body has an abundant army of immunoglobulins, toxins are bound, inactivated, and removed from the body. When the body does not have an abundant army of immunoglobulins toxins build up and cause damage. A high toxin load is very harmful for health.
A true “detox” will remove actual toxins (like E. coli, C. diff, and LPS). This detox should increase the abundance of immunoglobulins to fight the toxin load in the gut. By introducing more immunoglobulins to the gut, daily toxins are removed daily allowing the gut to be healthy. It is a pretty simple formula.
There is a clinically proven immunoglobulin concentrate in a supplement form for removing actual toxins from the gut, which is one of the only ways to actually detox the gut. Almost all other “detox” options are not really removing toxins like they say they are. They are just flushing the body or soaking up everything in the gut (good and bad). That is not detoxing.
Toxins include viruses, pathogenic bacteria, mold toxins, chemical toxins, fungi toxins, etc. They come in a variety of crazy names. The body fights these invaders with an army of immunoglobulins.
When the body has an abundant army of immunoglobulins, toxins are bound, inactivated, and removed from the body. When the body does not have an abundant army of immunoglobulins toxins build up and cause damage. A high toxin load is very harmful for health.
A true “detox” will remove actual toxins (like E. coli, C. diff, and LPS). This detox should increase the abundance of immunoglobulins to fight the toxin load in the gut. By introducing more immunoglobulins to the gut, daily toxins are removed daily allowing the gut to be healthy. It is a pretty simple formula.
There is a clinically proven immunoglobulin concentrate in a supplement form for removing actual toxins from the gut, which is one of the only ways to actually detox the gut. Almost all other “detox” options are not really removing toxins like they say they are. They are just flushing the body or soaking up everything in the gut (good and bad). That is not detoxing.