Addressing motility is key in helping with IBS issues - probiotics, diarrhea, constipation, SIBO
July 20, 2022To address gut issues, always start at the beginning and address the underlying causes as part of any gut health program.
There is a general belief that “…gut dysbiosis, including small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), causes IBS symptoms.” (Reference:
“Many esophageal diseases, including gastroesophageal reflux, appear to be driven by a dysregulated esophageal microbiome, new research indicates.”
“However, the investigators now think that an altered microbiome is not a marker for these diseases, but a cause.” (Reference:
Unlike other companies that always use probiotics as step 1 for every gut issue, at Silver Fern™ Brand we help address issues like IBS problems by starting with motility issues first. When digestion is too slow or too rapid how well can the gut microbiome be helped? Not well.
1️⃣ - Start with motility issues (the gut doesn’t clean up well if the flow is too slow or too rapid)
2️⃣ - Clean up the gut
3️⃣ – Build the gut back up again (a strong defense is supported by a really strong offense)
Everyone has a different starting point. Please start in the right spot with gut problems.