A hair product that helps upregulate glutathione? Yes, please - beauty from within, hair growth, nail growth
August 15, 2022Imagine a hair product that is not only exceptional at hair growth (as well as nail growth and skin care), but also helps provide many additional benefits like helping upregulate production of glutathione. Keratin (Keragen-IV™) can help with both areas.
Another key ingredient for both hair and skin health that also helps with digestive problems is sea buckthorn berry because it is full of omegas -3, -6, -7 and -9. One benefit of omegas is that they help the diversity the gut microbiome.
Why choose just any hair product when there are hair products that actually work and can offer so much more than just impressive hair growth?
How does one know if it is working? Give it 60 days. Hair and nail growth will happen.
At Silver Fern™ Brand, we take a different approach to products.