Why is motility such an important factor in your gut health? - constipation, gut imbalance, diarrhea
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Here's the simple way to know if you have slow motility issues: Are you taking something that if you stop taking it results in constipation? Do you ever feel like food just sits in your stomach? Do you have constipation, reflux, heartburn, feel full after eating a little and for a long period of time, have bloating, stomach pain, and nausea in any combination?Slow motility can even cause diarrhea issues. Anyone go from constipation to diarrhea or from diarrhea to constipation? Why should motility be step 1 of a gut health protocol? Consider these:How do you clean up the gut...

How do you know if you're passing candida? - gut health, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Ready to get started seeing changes? Check out "I'm taking Nano Scrub. I started seeing stuff in my stools. Is that normal?"Yes, it is very normal if you have candida or parasite issues to notice stuff/changes in your stool when using Nano Scrub. And you may notice other things as well. It does mean the products are working.When you start taking Nano Scrub you may feel other discomforts. In these situations you may want to reduce your dosing of Nano Scrub for a few days and then gradually increase up to the recommended dose.Ready to get started seeing changes? Comment...

What are the research findings on diatomaceous earth? - gut health, parasites, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
We get asked about diatomaceous earth a lot. Is it good? Does it work? Should I take it? Here's our view. I can find blog after blog after blog that talks about all the "evidence" backed research for diatomaceous earth. But those blogs do not then show the research reference studies supporting their suggested health benefits. The closest research I can find for diatomaceous earth helping with parasites is this:"The results of this study indicate the DE has the potential to be an effective treatment to help control parasites and improve production of organically raised, free-range layer hens" from 2011....

Addressing the root cause of food intolerances - gut health, DAO enzymes
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What do the experts say about food intolerances? "Experts aren't sure why some people develop food intolerances."Cleveland ClinicHere is our view. "...evidence strongly demonstrates an inextricable link between the pancreas and the gut."European Journal Of Immunology 1) A poor gut bacteria composition seems to connect in a lot of research to food intolerances. Not only do good microbes produce enzymes for digestion, but when bad microbes from the gut colonize the pancreas it can cause pancreatic problems (microbiota-pancreas axis). This can cause a reduction in enzyme production. Therefore, we assume in order to help food intolerances the gut needs a...

Back to School: preparing for all the germs - gut health, probiotics, prebiotics, mucosal barrier
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you are strictly playing defense with cold & flu season you have already lost. The secret to winning is making sure you and your children have strong immune systems that easily repel sicknesses. This means that instead of the cold & flu knocking you out for days and weeks, you feel tired and warn down a couple of days but bounce right back. I used to get sick all the time from our kids bringing bugs home from school. And then our kids were always missing school because they were sick for a long time. Here's the secret:Look to...

Your microbiome affects your breath - gut health, oral health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Does the microbiome of the mouth, stomach and gut affect your breath? YES!!!If I were to choose 1 product most likely to help with bad breath, it would be Nano Scrub. I'd rinse with it and then swallow it. You can find Nano Scrub here. If you are not sure where to start with gut health then take the quiz. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

How can digestive enzymes help with your protein goals - gut health, digestions, nutrient absorption
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Are you maximizing your high protein diet? For years I would stack protein to put on muscle for sports. I'd exercise, practice whatever sport I was doing at the time, and eat a ton of protein. As I graduated away from sports my exercising became all about being lean and healthy. And eating lots of protein was part of that approach. Now I know how to eat less protein and put on the same amount of muscle as before. It's a lot less expensive this way and I don't feel like I am chasing protein all day long to build...

What can you do to help with candida overgrowth? - gut health, candida, bloating, gas
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"How did I get candida overgrowth in the first place?" There are several causes that are possibilities, but if you think you are going to get rid of candida overgrowth with diet alone, good luck.🍀 There is very little evidence of that working alone. However, if this did work for you then great. 👍Other options: Antifungal drugs and creams maybe? Antifungal lozenges?Reduce stress? Better sleep? Probiotics and prebiotics maybe?Vitamin D? Garlic and oregano maybe? The approach we find most beneficial is to combine Nano Scrub and Cleanse. We ask people to swish around Nano Scrub in the mouth for about...

Food avoidance isn't a long term solution to gut health issues - bloating, gas, constipation, diarrhea
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"Excuse me, is this protocol going to be..."Hard? YesDifficult? Yes"Will it take..."Time? Yes"Will it come with..."Discomforts? Likely. If you are changing the gut quickly real stuff happens. Die-off is a real thing. Gas and bloating come with everything. Literally. They will most likely come when you change up the microbiome quickly. "Is it going to be totally worth it though?"Absolutely When I had to avoid food, life was so not convenient. When dang near every cold turned into a sinus infection it was super annoying. When you look 6 months pregnant at 4 pm in the afternoon every day, it...

Is brain fog related to gut health? YES! - gut health, hashimotos, candida, IBS
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Brain fog is real. Gut problems do cause it. Cleaning up gut health can help get rid of it. The first thing my wife found from loading up on Cleanse was that her brain fog went away. She has Hashimoto's. When she hyper focused on decreasing immune activation the first thing she realized was that she had clarity again and wasn't in a constant state of fogginess in the mind. There are many things that can cause brain fog. Many of these issues have to do with the gut. There are, however, issues like hormones and such that can also...

What makes Silver Fern Brand different? Everything. - gut health, probiotics, detox
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What sets Silver Fern™ Brand apart? Everything. We take a top down approach (start in the esophagus and stomach then work down through the colon). We assume everything is a problem then use a complete protocol to hit the entire system. Since the digestive system is all connected doesn't that make sense? We start with step 1, not step 3. We open up detox pathways and help establish non-laxative forced motility BEFORE doing a gut clean up. Doesn't it make sense to open the "doors" before trying to clean everything out? And, did you know that most gut imbalances and...

Caffeine, good or bad? - gut health, energy
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Is caffeine good or bad for you? Both. It depends on how much you are taking and what your gut issues are at the time you take it. Most people really want to know if coffee is good for the gut. Generally speaking (once again), the answer depends on how much you drink and what your gut problems are at the time you take it. Coffee is generally considered good for the gut microbiome. If you have gastritis, low stomach acid, SIBO, and/or IBS then you may want to hold off on the caffeine for a bit. If you want...

Yeast infection? It could be due to yeast imbalances - gut health, women's health, vaginal health
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
How did you get your yeast infection? If you recently used an antibiotic and ended up with a yeast infection it is most likely your antibiotic use caused imbalances in the natural vaginal flora. Other causes of yeast infections include pregnancy, uncontrolled diabetes, a poor immune system, oral contraceptives, or hormone therapy (this is just to name some of the more common causes).Obviously, as a supplement company we are not allowed to treat, cure, heal, repair, fix, rebuild or much of anything. Only doctors and drugs can do these things. So, from here on out I am only suggesting what...

3 types of SIBO, and why don't antibiotics work - gut health, bloating, gas
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why doesn't anything ever help your SIBO issues completely? Let's start off with the basics. There are 4 causes of SIBO problems, not 1. Gut imbalances are only one cause of SIBO issues and those imbalances are in part or in whole caused by the other causes of SIBO, so they all need to be addressed. More than 50%. This is the likelihood that your SIBO issues will either not go away or will return shortly after antibiotic use for addressing SIBO because antibiotics do not help with ❌ Low stomach acid ❌ Decreased bile acid ❌ Slow motility The...

Nano Scrub, ya, it's THAT good. - gut health, nanoAG404
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There is a reason Nano Scrub is in all of our protocols. Ya, it's THAT good.1) I literally can't find a product with more research and manufacturer protections on it for safety. 2) It is very effective against all the bad stuff in the gut: bacterial, fungal, parasitical, etc. but does not kill the good stuff. The good stuff in the gut has a different outer protective system and for some reason (which is still unknown) the Nano Scrub doesn't pop it or tear it apart like it does with the protective systems of bad stuff in the gut. Per...

What's causing your bloating? - gut health, gas, gastritis, gastroparesis
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Bloating and gas are caused by dang near everything: stress, gastritis, gastroparesis, inflammatory issues, low stomach acid, constipation, reflux/heartburn, silent reflux, etc. There is no one magic pill that addresses all bloating problems. There may be a "band-aid" type enzyme or methane inhibitor that will help. But there is no one product answer to all bad bloating issues. What I can say, however, is that if your protocol isn't managing your gut imbalances effectively and thoroughly you are going to continue to look 6 months pregnant for a very long time. You will continue to feel uncomfortable. Protocols need to...

Undigested food in your stool? - gut health, digestion, stomach acid, digestive enzymes
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
"Why do I see food in my stool?" It's a question we get asked a lot. There are simple answers to seeing undigested food in stool such as poor chewing and eating fast. And sometimes the food is tough to digest because it is very fibrous. For some of you the issue may be a temporary stomach "bug." Other times, the causes are more problematic: Crohn's, Celiac Disease, enzyme deficiency, low stomach acid, lactose intolerance, IBS, etc. Obviously, stomach acid and enzymes break down foods. When either is lacking in any way, food does not break down properly. These are...

Why should you worry about your digestion before starting a gut cleanse? - gut health, probiotics, motility
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If your system is slow and pathogens have no place to go, what happens? If your gut and liver are already clogged up, how are all the pathogens getting evacuated? Probably your skin. That's no fun. Starting with a gut clean up before you have opened up detox pathways is a bit like cleaning a room but not having a door to take all the garbage through. Yes, it is very true that microbial imbalances cause slow motility. Very true. We use Nano Scrub in our motility protocols to help with this. But trying to clean up clogged "pipes" is...

Stevia...what's the most recent credible research saying? - gut health, microbiome, sweeteners
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you hate all things Stevia and Stevia extract, that is totally okay. This post is to evaluate the recent research on Stevia. Generally speaking, when Stevia is not combined with sugar alcohols (which is how we use it in the Reflux product), it is not known to cause digestive discomforts in most people. For some, however, Stevia extract does cause digestive discomforts. And some hate the taste. For this reason, we offer unsweetened options in all of our protocols. Generally speaking, Stevia is considered much safer than artificial sweeteners and sugar alcohols. Japan, which is very rigid on sweeteners...

Does it matter what type of probiotic you take with your antibiotics? - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
All probiotics are the same, right?The special capsules ensuring survival are the best, right? The more CFUs and strains the better, right? Sorry! ❌Not true.👎🏼When our microbiologist formulated Ultimate Probiotic he took a lot into account, including the fact that almost every doctor in the country tells their patients to take a "good" probiotic along with their antibiotics. (Notice how I am not saying he is a cardiologist or anything like that because they don't research the microbiome.)We know that most people become super interested in probiotics when they are told they need an antibiotic. Antibiotics slay good bacteria. The...

Aspartame, its possibly a carcinogen but its also not great for your gut - gut health, artificial sweetener
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
From a gut health perspective, aspartame is considered a huge gut problem by our microbiome researchers. If you are looking to clean up the gut, we are not going to encourage you to load up on Diet Coke. Does it cause cancer though? I think the jury is still out on that. I'm not saying it doesn't. But the recent news on it really isn't all the conclusive. Do many people suggest a wide range of side effects from the use of it? Yes. If you are pursuing gut health, is it a sweetener you may want to shy away...

Is too much of Vitamin B3 or C a bad thing? - gut health, supplements, vitamins
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
You may think that given the high doses of products in our protocols that we may be a bit reckless, right? ❌ Nope. We verify the dosing for everything before we suggest it. We are very cautious with the dosing of different vitamins and minerals . When your nutrient absorption is good, you should not need to take high doses of nutrients daily. If you are having to take really high doses of various vitamins and minerals, consider working on your nutrient absorption rather than a long-term (longer than 4 weeks) high dose of different products. You need between 75...

Ready to get your gut totally cleaned up? - gut health, pathogens, gut clean up
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Have you ever tried a protocol that you have to stay on forever otherwise the issues come back? This isn't that protocol. It is a "clean it up and be done" protocol. This is a protocol you will notice. By the end of step 2 you should have a very clean gut. Very clean. I know trust is lacking in the supplement industry with all the ads of products and protocols that don't work. I get it. But consider trusting the protocol long enough to do steps 1 and 2. That should provide all you need so you can trust...

2 surprising signs you have an inflamed stomach lining - gut health, mucosal barrier
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Do supplements hurt your stomach? Can't tolerate digestive enzymes, ginger root extract, turmeric, L-arginine, etc.? Do your vitamins hurt to take too? You likely have an inflamed stomach lining. Meaning, the lining of your stomach can't protect against strong stomach acid. This means your mucosal barrier is weak or damaged. Since the stomach lining is what both creates HCL (stomach acid) and protects against it, an inflamed stomach lining causes low stomach acid. Most of the time people use acid blockers and antibiotics (for H. pylori) for an inflamed stomach lining. The acid blockers are to block acid (though I'm...

Why do you need a full protocol for reflux & heartburn? - gut health, antacids, acid blockers
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why are Silver Fern™ Brand protocols so expansive and thorough over 90 days? Because reflux and heartburn (like bloating) are caused by a lot of problems (not just 1 problem). "I took Reflux for a week and it didn't work!!!" That's shocking that one scoop of one product didn't solve all the causes of reflux & heartburn in a week. (NOT AT ALL SHOCKING. NOT EVEN CLOSE TO SHOCKING ACTUALLY.) Yes, you can take acid blockers for an extended period of time. They are super cheap. You can get them almost anywhere. But did you know that too much stomach...

Do healthy foods make you feel full and uncomfortable for a long time? - gut health, stomach pain, slow gastric emptying
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If processed empty carbs are easy to digest but healthy fiber, protein, and fatty foods feel like they sit in your stomach forever, you may have slow stomach emptying. Or you may have an inflamed stomach lining. Slow stomach emptying means your stomach processes foods slowly. Healthy foods are typically harder to digest.What's the answer?Helping increase stomach emptying Please consider the Slow Motility & Reflux protocols for this issue. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

10 Reasons to take Mucosave® every day - gut health, nutrient absorption, reflux, constipation, heartburn
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are products you want to start and then stop. Then there are products you want to use long-term. MucoSave® is a long-term ingredient that goes beyond helping the gut get better. MucoSave®, as an ingredient, is primarily used for reflux, heartburn, gastritis, constipation, low stomach acid, indigestion, histamine intolerances, and issues like these. It works amazing. In fact, we have people load up on Reflux and Regularity in Step 1 of most of our protocols to help with these issues. The question I get asked all the time is how soon people can stop taking the Reflux and/or Regularity....

Sensitive Stomach? - gut health, motility, reflux, heartburn, gastritis
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why do most protocols we suggest start with a top-down (being the top of your digestive tract down) approach even if people have constipation and diarrhea? Many people have both low stomach acid and slow gastric emptying even if they don't know it. What if you have constipation and no reflux/heartburn? Why would we start you with our Reflux product?We want to start your gut health protocol at the top so we don't miss anything. Gut problems in the upper portion of your digestive process cause gut problems down below. Plus, if you can't handle supplements and we are going...

Signs of Candida Overgrowth - gut health, protocols, fungal overgrowth
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Candida overgrowth is a real bugger for many. It can be brutal and it sticks around. It is a tough thing to manage. Enter Nano Scrub. Nano Scrub contains a patented blend of frequency activated nano Ag404. This product/ingredient is the most effective we can be against candida problems. It is manufactured in an FDA cleared facility. The same facility is used to manufacture prescription products used in hospitals and medical devices. What I am allowed to say is that it won't kill good beneficial bacteria. What I can't say (as a supplement company) is that it will kill bad...

7 Causes of Constant Diarrhea & Loose Stools - gut health, parasites, c. diff, candida, IBS, IBD
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Are you so tired of intense, never-ending diarrhea and loose stools? Its a lot. What do we recommend?1️⃣ Please choose the Rapid Motility - Intense Diarrhea Issues Protocol from Silver Fern™ Brand. At least complete steps 1 & 2. 2️⃣ Check all of your meds and supplements to make sure you are not on high doses of magnesium, vitamin c, senna, cascara, etc. 3️⃣ Be mindful of how much coffee and tea you are drinking each day. Too much of either can cause diarrhea and loose stools. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

5 causes of low iron - gut health, reflux, heartburn, candida
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Low iron anyone? Not sure why? Maybe you don't get enough iron in your diet? Maybe you have an autoimmune disease? Maybe you have a massive imbalance in your gut that is sucking the iron away from you (yep, that can definitely be a cause). Maybe you have poor absorption of iron? Follow the protocol for you that best fits your starting point:🔹Slow motility & Reflux/Heartburn Protocol🔹Pathogen Issues Protocol 🔹Reflux & Diarrhea Protocol If you have autoimmune issues, you will want a protocol that uses the Cleanse at the high doses (4 bottles. 8 capsules morning and night / 16...

How do you help methane SIBO for good? - gut health, SIBO, Nano Scrub,
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
If you have methane SIBO constipation problems then you likely have an overgrowth of archaea. Not only is methane the culprit for constipation problems but it is also what determines how bad your constipation problems are. Silver Fern™ Brand likes the use of Nano Scrub to help manage archaea imbalances. For this reason, all of our slow motility protocols now use Nano Scrub. It's like magic Ready to really tackle that constipation with your methane SIBO? Check out our SIBO & IBS issues protocols at https://silver-fern-brand.circle.so/c/sibo-issues/ If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand.

Biofilms? Nano Scrub to the rescue! - gut health, candida
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
What do we do for biofilm problems? What do we do when the bad stuff just doesn't want to leave? You puncture the outer protective shield to allow the whole system to unravel and fall apart. We like Nano Scrub for this. Nano Scrub is Silver Fern™ Brand's biofilm buster. As a stand alone product it works amazing. You can find directions on how to gradually increase dosing on this product on our website because it's potent enough you don't want to just jump straight it at a full dose...ESPECIALLY if you have biofilm issues. Nano Scrub promotes a happy...

Why is candida so difficult to get rid of? - gut health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
It's easy to refer to candida as "sticky". It just doesn't go away easily. Thus, you need to be aggressive at helping it. Reasons why people don't succeed at uprooting candida: 1️⃣ Candida roots into the gut barrier. Once it is rooted in it is tough to get out. 2️⃣ Candida (along with other bad stuff) builds biofilms. This protects the candida from your immune system and your doctor. It protects the candida against all those amazing herbs that have antifungal benefits too. 3️⃣ There was an an initial cause of candida overgrowth. Don't you think it is wise to...

Why are reflux and heartburn so hard to get rid of? - gut health, reflux, heartburn, acid blockers
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Do you know why blocking acid doesn't make sense? High stomach acid comes from 3 causes that are very rare (Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome, gastric outlet obstruction, and chronic kidney failure) or 2 causes that you help address if you are addressing low stomach acid correctly (H. pylori overgrowth and rebound effect from acid blockers). Why not just help the underlying issues that are most likely at fault? FYI - that isn't a single product answer. There are about 10 causes of reflux and heartburn. And blocking acid long-term isn't the answer to any of them. Gastritis is an inflamed mucosal barrier....

Signs you're actually getting rid of candida overgrowth - gut health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Discomforts can easily get worse before they get better when candida is being pushed back, pulled apart, or disassembled. We have found that a lot of people that think they have parasites actually have candida overgrowth or both parasites and candida overgrowth. We have found that when someone loads up on an ingredient like Nano Scrub too quickly, they can feel like they have the flu suddenly. We find that very few herbs, probiotics, etc. really dig down deep to puncture biofilms to uproot the candida overgrowth so it stays around a lot of the time. Nano Scrub rapidly disrupts...

Parasite Issue Protocols - gut health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Parasites are nasty! They are even more harmful than bad bacteria. It has taken us years to come up with an effective way of helping manage these massive problems. It was not easy. Because parasite problems frequently overlap with bacteria and fungal imbalances too, we built our protocols to hit a full "management" of all of the issues. There are two pathogen problem protocols:1) Pathogen Problem - Really Bad Diarrhea - Protocol2) Pathogen Problem Protocol If you are really anxious to be rid of these problems once and for all, you may tempted to skip step 1 of the protocol....

Do digestive enzymes correct the issue at the cause? - gut health, digestion, bloating
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
The truth about digestive enzymes: You shouldn't waste your money on most of them. I agree with this. 1️⃣ Most enzyme products:❌ are not full spectrum ❌do not provide 100% pH coverage ❌do not break down the difficult to digest stuff completely Supplement enzymes are not regulated by the FDA. You have to trust the brand in supplements or it may not be wise to take them. 2️⃣ People think digestive enzymes are a one product solution for bloating. They are not. Bloating is caused by gastritis, gastroparesis, low stomach acid, slow motility, SIBO, SIFO, IBS, IBD, H. pylori overgrowth,...

SIBO essentials - gut health, gas, bloating, stomach acid
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Really bad bloating and gas? Did you know that SIBO & IBS share many of the same discomforts as low stomach acid, gastritis, and slow gastric emptying? When people say that they want to get to the "underlying causes" of an issue but then don't, can you see how the problem can keep coming back? Did you know it is "not uncommon" for SIBO problems to return several months after finishing a course of antibiotics? "Antibiotics are an acute treatment, but not a long-term solution. It's important to try and address the underlying cause of your SIBO."Cleveland Clinic (reference is...

Hiatal Hernias - gut health, reflux, heartburn
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are several areas we can help with reflux, heartburn, etc. We can help when you have low stomach acid, inflammatory problems of the stomach lining, slow motility of the stomach, etc. BUT...If you have a bad hiatal hernia then please consider reaching out to a chiropractor or a massage therapist that specializes in hiatal hernias. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit https://www.silverfernbrand.com/#quiz-5XHJMn for our protocols.

All probiotics are not the same, so what should you be looking for? - gut health, probiotics
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Not all probiotics are the same. Actually, many of them aren't even remotely similar to others. Different ingredients (strains) usually means different performance. Comparing reseeding probiotics to gut management probiotics is like comparing apples and oranges. Actually, it is a bit more like comparing a riding lawn mower to a luxury sports car. There is a time and place for the riding lawn mower version. No question. But otherwise...If you are taking an antibiotic you need strains that are antibiotic resistant and that are shown to prevent imbalances from antibiotics. If you have food intolerances, you need a probiotic with...

Recurrent urinary tract problems - gut health, FAN
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
I shall not mention UTIs because supplement companies cannot help with infections. Only drugs and doctors can help with infections. But if you have urinary tract problems and want support or help with those issues, I've got you covered. Cranberry type products are said to work well to prevent bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder, which may help prevent bladder and other urinary tract problems. That being said, a lot of research says they don't work. Several studies suggest that D-Mannose has a good success rate and may be an alternative to antibiotics. D-Mannose works by way...

Why does fiber make things worse, shouldn't it make it better? - gut health, constipation
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
There are reasons our protocols start where and how they start. If you have any slow motility of the stomach (slow gastric emptying / gastroparesis), the last thing you want to do is load up on fiber. If constipation issues are the only problem, that is the only time I suggest our constipation protocol. Why? Fiber slows stomach emptying. Meaning, motility is a whole system issue. If you are trying to resolve constipation by adding in fiber when your stomach is also slow then you are likely causing more issues. Further, did you know that constipation is a problem caused...

3 secrets for hair growth - gut health, hair supplements
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Warning: If your hair and nails already grow really well you may NOT want Hair Complex. Honestly speaking, for some women it works too well, especially if you only want to cut your hair a few times each year. That being said, who doesn't want thicker, fuller, and more vibrant hair? If you research hair loss in women specifically you will find this list for causing hair loss: 1) Hair style (traction alopecia) 2) Vitamin deficiency 3) Dieting 4) Restrictive diets 5) Toxic substances & medications 6) Extreme stress to the body and mind 7) Hormone changes Most people respond...

Food allergies and the mucosal barrier - gut health, immunoglobulins, MucoSave®
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Why are food allergies increasing so dramatically? Lifestyle changes? Environmental changes?Western-style diet?Genetics alone can't explain it anymore.What is known is that evidence suggests that the dysfunction of the intestinal barrier contributes to food hypersensitivity through increased sensitization. One key part of helping with food allergies appears to be hyper focusing on soothing, calming, repairing, and rebuilding the mucosal barrier specifically. For this reason, our protocols load up on the MucoSave® and immunoglobulin ingredients. Protocols are built to effectively help the gut barrier (mucosal barrier and epithelial barrier). If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit https://www.silverfernbrand.com/#quiz-5XHJMn...

Traveler's Constipation - gut health, constipation, digestion
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Traveler's constipation is really common. I hear about it daily. It just so happens we know a lot of people with this issue. They go from regular to suddenly constipated the minute their butt hits the seat of a plane. When the body's natural rhythm changes so does motility. Drinking plenty of liquid, eating fruit, and consuming fiber, avoiding high fat foods (good luck with this one) may be helpful. What we find works best is the combo of Regularity and Upper GI Relief. It works great. You take it while you are on the trip. When you get back your system...

Sucralose wreaks havoc on the gut - gut health, probiotics, leaky gut
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Sucralose can taste amazing to a lot of people. It has zero sugar. That is why it is used and sold in so many products. I think it is suggested to be great for people with diabetes and weight issues, right? Supplement companies sweeten everything with it: pre-workout mixes, protein powders, energy drinks, etc. But it wreaks havoc on the microbiota. Its a total disaster. "This work raises a host of concerns about the potential health effects associated with sucralose and its metabolites. It's time to revisit the safety and regulatory status of sucralose, because the evidence is mounting that...

Why are probiotics key to SIBO, IBS, & histamine intolerance protocols? - gut health, probiotics, SIBO, IBS, histamine intolerance
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Yes or no when using probiotics for SIBO, IBS, and histamine intolerances?Both!No, you should not start off using probiotics in when addressing SIBO, IBS, or histamine Intolerances. First, they may actually make things worse. Second, they are not the most effective way to help with motility and cleaning up the gut, which is where you should start. Yes, you do need them later on in the protocols though to help build up your tolerance for foods again so you aren't living on enzymes and food avoidance forever. B. coagulans and S. boulardii are 2 probiotic strains we love for building...

Vegan/vegetarian clean up protocols now available! - gut health, FAN
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
📣Vegan/vegetarian protocols available now!You asked. We worked very hard to come up with an answer. Please be mindful though that with autoimmune issues and diarrhea problems, the Cleanse product with immunoglobulins is still really tough to beat. But for everything else, we now have you covered. If you have questions, please send us a DM on Instagram @silverfernbrand, or visit https://www.silverfernbrand.com/#quiz-5XHJMn for our protocols.

Parasite Clean Ups - gut health, microbiome
Posted by Tiffany Cox on
Have you ever noticed most parasite protocols are very extensive with a lot of products? We noticed that too. And to be fair, Silver Fern™ products are big too. But we wanted something that could do more for less. Believe it or not, that is our goal. We were able to hit the mark for that goal with frequency activated nano Ag404 (FAN). What I can't say as a supplement company is that FAN kills pathogens in the gut. Only drugs are allowed to do that. However, FAN may be a good way to disassemble the outer protective shield of...